Dáil debates

Thursday, 24 May 2018

12:20 pm

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The truth is that this is already underway. If the Deputy talks to the Minister for Health about this issue, he will learn that there is effectively already a campaign advocating the use of vaccines like the HPV vaccine. We have seen a significant increase in the uptake from girls. Indeed we have been looking at ways in which we can extend that and add to and reinforce that message. In terms of the follow on from the CervicalCheck scandal in particular, we know there is a big obligation on the Government and Department on the back of full accountability and transparency in terms of what went wrong and that there is a need for a campaign to reassure and educate people about why screening is such an advance in terms of a medical response to early diagnosis of cancer and early treatment that can save lives. We are very much aware of that and I agree with everything the Deputy said about it.


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