Dáil debates

Wednesday, 16 May 2018

Affordable Housing: Motion [Private Members]


8:30 pm

Photo of Eoin Ó BroinEoin Ó Broin (Dublin Mid West, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source

Let me turn to Fianna Fáil. One of the great mysteries of the Thirty-second Dáil is Fianna Fáil housing policy. On this, I agree with the Government. It is almost as if it has become the fourth secret of Fatima. Deputy Darragh O'Brien's predecessor in the role kept his cards so close to his chest that many of his own party members did not even know what Fianna Fáil policy was. I know the reason Deputy O'Brien was appointed was to bring more energy to the role and he has certainly done that.


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