Dáil debates
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Broadcasting Sector
10:50 am
Timmy Dooley (Clare, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
I do not think that the Minister has that much time. He has painted a picture of which all of us should be aware in terms of the situation in RTÉ, but there is also an issue, which I have raised several times and on which I have published legislation, namely, the public service broadcasting element of local and regional radio stations. They also deserve some funding from any increased revenues coming from a renewed television licence system. It is vitally important for the national broadcaster, for TG4, and for the independent local radio sector that the Government moves quickly on this to ensure that the level of funding being lost through evasion, which is up to €40 million, is addressed quickly. Germany has an evasion rate of around 2% while the UK has an evasion rate of about 4%, so comparing like with like, we are way off the scale. I would like to see the Minister address this matter as quickly as possible and bring forward proposals. He will not find any resistance from Fianna Fáil or from most people on this side of the House.
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