Dáil debates
Wednesday, 14 February 2018
Topical Issue Debate
Third Level Funding
2:25 pm
Michael Collins (Cork South West, Independent) | Oireachtas source
The Sherkin Island Development Society, under its chairman, Michael Collins, who is no relation, has run what should simply be called a course of excellence, the Bachelor of Arts in visual art on the island off Baltimore since 2012. It has worked closely in that time with the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Dublin Institute of Technology, the local authority, which is Cork County Council, and the Sherkin Island community. They have worked together in funding and in the huge task of organising the course. Development officer, Aisling Moran, and the Sherkin Island group tell us that verbal commitments were given to the group from all concerned that funding would remain in place but in the past 12 months the local authority has reneged on its commitment, first stating it would not give the €20,000 that was previously committed and then saying it would only give €10,000 from the economic development fund and no more. All sorts of conflicting reports have been given as to why the local authority wants out. I am genuine in my belief that the local authority does not fully realise what it is doing. What is economic development money for? Any other local authority would be jumping out of its skin to fund something like this and to get such a prestigious course to an island in its jurisdiction. There are eight islands in my constituency and my respect for the island people is so high that I started my election campaign on an island some time back. Whiddy Island, Bere Island, Dursey Island, Cape Clear Island and the rest, like Sherkin, are doing their utmost to keep the life in their islands. This DIT course was a major boost to the island and the surrounding communities of Baltimore, Union Hall, Glandore, Leap and Skibbereen. Many families travelled with the students to west Cork each weekend while the course was ongoing. Councillors from west Cork are fully supportive of the local authority restoring the €20,000. Why are their voices being ignored? Are they not, like myself, elected by the people and answerable to the people? In one weekend in May, 1,000 people visited the island for the degree exhibition. At a time when traditional island incomes from farming and fishing are under threat, this course is a major boost to the island. It also created three skilled jobs for the community, with three roles divided between four people. Will the Minister of State give the island people of Sherkin hope that the €10,000 will be found to save the course?
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