Dáil debates
Thursday, 18 January 2018
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Public Sector Expenditure
11:30 am
Dara Calleary (Mayo, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source
What amount does the Minister anticipate will be surrendered to the Exchequer following that process? Does any Department give him cause for particular concern? For example, the Department of Health is €195 million above profile in terms of current expenditure yet at the final Cabinet meeting before Christmas a health service plan for 2018 was published, wherein the Director General of the HSE stated there was €346 million of planned expenditure for which he had no money. Will we see another figure next year for an overspend in the Department of Health? Those who are depending on fodder and awaiting a proper response from the Department of Agriculture will be perturbed by the €73 million underspend within that Department in terms of current spending. Some Departments have huge expenditure pressures but are sending in under budgets and then once again the Department is significantly over current profile.
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