Dáil debates
Thursday, 18 January 2018
Topical Issue Debate
Respite Care Services Provision
6:40 pm
Catherine Byrne (Dublin South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
Even in my own constituency, I have had people ring me in regard to respite care, particularly for children, which astonished me. The children are in their teens now and there is a need for the HSE to up its game to make sure respite is available for those families, who are struggling on daily basis in trying to deal in particular with older children and youths. The difficulty is that, at some stage in their disability, they can become very agitated and angry, and this can lead to a lot of concern, particularly where older parents are looking after children. I will bring the Deputy's very strong views back to the Minister of State, Deputy McGrath. The Deputy might send on to the Minister of State a copy of the letter.
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