Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Questions on Promised Legislation


1:20 pm

Photo of Charles FlanaganCharles Flanagan (Laois, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I very much share the deep sense of loss that has been felt by the families and the community in north Dublin for a long period - in fact, 36 years - since one of the most horrific incidents in the history of our State occurred, namely, the Stardust fire. I acknowledge the publication last week of the third report on this tragedy, which was presented by me to Government and given to the families in advance. I understand a deep sense of frustration and disappointment on the part of the families. If it was to serve the families and the community in any positive way for the House to debate that report, I am sure the Business Committee would be pleased to accommodate that. I, as Minister, certainly would do so. I would be happy to meet the families but I acknowledge the service that has been undertaken by the former judge, Mr. McCartan. I acknowledge the importance of his report and, as Minister for Justice and Equality, I accept its recommendations.


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