Dáil debates
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Topical Issue Debate
Direct Provision System
5:00 pm
David Stanton (Cork East, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
The question to which I was asked to respond was about developments for people living in direct provision accommodation and the Reception and Integration Agency, RIA. The answer I have, therefore, is general and may not actually address the specific issue raised by the Deputy. However, I will try to address it if I have time to do so.
I thank the Deputy for raising this important matter. Direct provision is the system whereby State services are directly provided for protection applicants through the relevant Department or agency. We are talking about asylum seekers or refugees. We do not know who or how many will arrive on our shores in need of or claiming protection. What we do know is that all applicants are immediately offered shelter, full board accommodation and a range of services such as health and education while their application for international protection is being processed.
Of course, no system is without room for further improvement. The Government commissioned the retired Judge Dr. Bryan McMahon to chair a working group to carry out a report on the protection process and the system of direct provision. That report was published in June 2015 and forms the basis for ongoing improvements across the entirety of the system involving all relevant Departments and agencies. In June 2017 the third and final audit of the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report was completed and is available on the website of the Department of Justice and Equality. The audit shows that the vast majority of recommendations have either been implemented or partially implemented or are in progress.
The International Protection Act 2015 was commenced on 31 December 2016. A key feature of the legislation is the introduction of a new single application procedure which will, in time, accelerate the protection determination process and reduce the length of time applicants spend in State-provided accommodation. A number of recommendations made in the McMahon report are related to accommodation and services are being rolled out, including full independent living at the Mosney accommodation centre, cooking facilities in many other centres, proactive engagement with residents and agencies through the "friends of the centre" model and the engagement of an independent assessor to carry out a nutritional audit in centres that are currently catering fully for residents. In addition, the remit of the Ombudsman and the Ombudsman for Children has been extended to cover those living in State-provided accommodation. The Department has also co-ordinated the preparation of a multi-departmental information booklet for persons who have been granted any type of leave to remain in the State and a number of NGOs have been awarded moneys under the EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, AMIF, specifically to provide assistance for persons who have been granted status to move out of State-provided accommodation. It is clear that significant improvements have either been or are being implemented across all aspects of the system of supports for those in the protection process.
When a final decision is made on a person's application, that person is either granted or refused permission to remain in Ireland. For those who are granted leave to remain, we are working with the NGO community, housing agencies, local authorities and religious groups to provide assistance for them to enable them to move into permanent accommodation in communities throughout Ireland. On the other hand, it is incumbent on those subject to deportation orders to remove themselves from the State. It is an integral part of the immigration regime of all developed states that those who have been given due process and determined to have no right to be in the state should remove themselves. If they fail to do so, they will be forcibly removed. A deportation order arises after an extensive process, including various appeal stages. This is the final step and most people voluntarily comply with a deportation order. In fact, they receive a warning letter beforehand, telling them that one is on the way. In that context, it is unreasonable to expect that persons who are the subject of deportation orders can continue to remain in State-provided accommodation indefinitely. If persons wish to comply with a deportation order, they may contact the Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service, INIS, which will assist them in that process, in other words, pay their fare out of the country. I ask Deputies to encourage people to make contact with the INIS and tell them that they will be helped to leave the state. Prior to the making of a deportation order, assistance and support are available from the INIS for those asylum seekers who wish to leave the state.
I must correct the Deputy on one point. Asylum seekers are not receiving the letters to which she refers. The recipients are not asylum seekers because a determination has been made on their status.
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