Dáil debates
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Topical Issue Debate
Medicinal Products Availability
4:30 pm
Gino Kenny (Dublin Mid West, People Before Profit Alliance) | Oireachtas source
This statement does not really mean anything. It is hollow, to say the least. What this comes down to is putting a price on somebody's life. Somebody has made a decision - I do not know if it is the Minister of State - that the price of somebody's life is not worth the price of medication for that. This goes further than providing Kuvan for people with PKU; it involves other orphan drugs like Translarna for people with muscular dystrophy, as was mentioned by Deputy Adams yesterday.
Will the Minister of State override its decision and review the assessment done by the NCPE on orphan drugs? The assessment is fatally flawed. People who have conditions not of their choosing but because of circumstances are being medically discriminated against because of price. I ask the Minister of State to review and override the NCPE's decision.
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