Dáil debates
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Priority Questions
National Mitigation Plan
3:20 pm
Denis Naughten (Roscommon-Galway, Independent) | Oireachtas source
The Deputy had an initial statistical point. The previous EPA projection indicated that emissions would be between 6% and 11% below 2005 levels. The target is a 20% reduction. I am saying the projection is now worse as the current figures from April 2017 indicate that the range will be between 4% and 6% below 2005 levels. I wish they were between 6% and 11% as that would be a far more positive position, but they are not. Ireland is projected to cumulatively exceed its obligations by between 11.5 megatonnes and 13.7 megatonnes carbon dioxide equivalent between 2013 and 2020, but it is not at all positive. These are the projections in respect of the 2020 target for carbon emissions.
With regard to energy targets for 2020, the overall objective is to reach a 16% reduction figure. Based on the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland's analysis, there is a 9.4% reduction. We expect, at a minimum, to be at a figure of 13.2%. The intention is to get it to between 15% and 16%.
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