Dáil debates

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Ceisteanna - Questions

Ministerial Responsibilities

2:20 pm

Photo of Leo VaradkarLeo Varadkar (Dublin West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

There is a number of questions and I did not get a chance to write them all down.

I always appreciate Deputy Adams' advice on the North. My point on Orkambi is that it is available in this jurisdiction but not in Northern Ireland and by forming an Executive and by participating in government in Northern Ireland rather than just campaigning for it, Sinn Féin can actually have a position of responsibility and make it happen. As I mentioned earlier, the decision about Translarna was made under law by the HSE, not by the Government, but I have asked for more information about it because I am conscious that it is available in 20 or 22 other countries and not in this jurisdiction, which is unusual.


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