Dáil debates
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
Ceisteanna - Questions
Ministerial Responsibilities
2:10 pm
Gerry Adams (Louth, Sinn Fein) | Oireachtas source
The Taoiseach has made many commitments on the issue of political reform. When I look at the delegation of responsibilities to various Ministers, it seems very light. There is also a commitment to examine the creation of unpaid roles of parliamentary private secretaries, as well an examination of the balance of power and responsibilities between the Government and the Civil Service. As far as I can ascertain, that has yet to happen.
I would like to give the Taoiseach some friendly advice about Northern Ireland. I was going to do it privately, but I will do so now. Nobody in Northern Ireland is impressed when he refers to Northern issues, as he did recently in response to a question from Deputy Mary Lou McDonald which was not about Northern Ireland. He asked, "Is it any small wonder the people of Northern Ireland do not have an Executive or an Assembly? It is because this is the attitude of Sinn Féin." On mature reflection, I am sure he knows that this is an untruthful claim. Similarly, this morning, when I referred to the sad story of the little boys who had been denied Translarna in this state, the Taoiseach referred to the non-availability of Orkambi in Northern Ireland. I campaigned for the making available of Orkambi here and in Northern Ireland. I have not spoken to the parents of the little boys, but I am sure they are not impressed. I think the Taoiseach has fallen into the Deputy Enda Kenny trap which involves, as others here know, casting up issues in Northern Ireland that have nothing to do with the issues I raise. The Taoiseach must rise above this instinct and I wish him well. There are big challenges in dealing with all of these matters.
If the Taoiseach is genuinely going to be reforming as he has said, then we need to see Ministers of State playing a more substantive role in policy formation and we need to see continuation of reform of departmental structures and Cabinet Ministers.
Whatever the Taoiseach says about the North does not take a whiz out of me, nor does whatever the leader of Fianna Fáil says about the North. I am trying to provide good, honest advice as someone who spends at least one or two days in the North each week and who was there last week, at the same time the Taoiseach made these remarks to Teachta McDonald, assisting Michelle O'Neill trying to get the process back on track. It is no matter to me personally but I think it is just good advice to the Taoiseach, who I wish well.
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