Dáil debates

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Other Questions

Capital Expenditure Programme Review

5:45 pm

Photo of Paschal DonohoePaschal Donohoe (Dublin Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

-----and the fact that work is under way on this. It is a project for which the Deputy well understands the need. Funding was set aside for it but additional funding had to be identified and made available to deliver the project, which I did precisely because I recognised the need to support projects such as this. I understand fully what future investment we may need to make in the national maternity hospital and for additional bed capacity.

As the Deputy sat around the Cabinet table she understands, as well as I do, that I have a certain amount of money that I have to make available to fund priorities. I, and other Ministers, have to make choices in it. If those words and that process do not fill the Deputy with hope or inspire her, I hope she would take account of the fact that we are hoping to allocate a further €4 billion to projects. I am hoping to be able to make choices that move forward projects that show our country that projects, such as the national maternity hospital or the national children's hospital, are capable of delivering to our citizens the better services I know they deserve and need.


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