Dáil debates

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Ceisteanna - Questions (Resumed - Priority Questions

Flood Prevention Measures

5:15 pm

Photo of Kevin  MoranKevin Moran (Longford-Westmeath, Independent) | Oireachtas source

Five or six years ago the flooding in the River Moy, the River Shannon and across the region was winter flooding. In recent times, however, we have seen downpours happening and nobody, not even anybody in government, could plan for what may come. However, what we can do is give assurances. We are working with local authorities and delivering for local communities. Through CFRAM and further measures that will be taken, we will deliver on schemes and protect those people. The local authority delivered a very fast response in Donegal and the criticism of its response was unfair. I met the first responders on the Tuesday and went with them to everywhere that was flooded. I assure the Deputy that everything that can be done is being done with the local authorities.


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