Dáil debates

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Mother and Baby Homes: Statements


2:25 pm

Photo of Anne RabbitteAnne Rabbitte (Galway East, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

I thank the Minister very much for her contribution and statement. From the opposite side of the House, all I can say is I welcome everything the Minister has given me and my colleagues. It is very welcome for those in the Visitors Gallery to hear the Minister speak with such passion and empathy. I hope that on "Reeling in the Years" the Minister's speech will be seen a defining moment.

I am from the constituency of East Galway and know Tuam very well. From listening to her speech, I believe the Minister has a very good understanding of what the people in Tuam feel. This is also the case with regard to other mother and baby homes, but today we are speaking specifically about Tuam. The Minister has visited on more than three occasions, if my memory is correct, and she has an understanding of what the people are looking for. She has acknowledged the hard work done by Catherine Corless for many years. In the Minister's speech she recognised the various parties that need to come on board to help fill this out and see what is the right way forward. That is very welcome.

There is no one clear-cut answer to this or no one clear-cut direction that will give everyone the right answer, but if we can back it with the facts and give people the correct resources required to make the right decisions, that is more than welcome. We as a party at all times have supported the way the Minister has progressed the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes. We will continue to support her work in this regard. As an Independent woman Member in government, the Minister has empathy and understanding, and this is very clear. As long as the Minister keeps there, we will continue to support this particular commission.

We believe the terms of reference need to be expanded and broadened. What the Minister has committed to doing is a first step in expanding it and having an understanding of it. I was heartened to hear that the Minister will bring in an international rapporteur to give best guidance. What happened is a blackness in Irish society, which it is very regrettable, but we must see how we can work through this fractured part of society and history. Bringing in someone very independent and with such critical expertise is very welcome.

A key point is access to records of the former mother and baby homes. I am glad to hear the Minister has brought Tusla on board and she will expand its capacity to support residents who have come forward. Fianna Fáil will support the Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill 2016 coming before the Dáil. I have met a number of former foster children who went through the mother and baby homes. Access to records is a requirement about which they keep speaking to me. It is very important and we will support the Minister in this regard. This is very positive and I welcome it. I appreciate the hard work the Minister and the Department have put into it. The people sitting in the Visitors Gallery will see a transcript of this afterwards and they have heard what the Minister has said. The Minister is right that communication is the key. The people who need to hear this first are the former residents of the mother and baby homes. They do not need to see first it on the front page of any of the newspapers. They need to be part of it. They know where they want to bring this, in co-operation with the Department, and we will be very supportive. I thank the Minister.


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