Dáil debates

Thursday, 2 March 2017

Topical Issue Debate

Agriculture Scheme Payments

5:20 pm

Photo of Andrew DoyleAndrew Doyle (Wicklow, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Before I read the reply, first, nobody is sitting on their hands and, second, I understand the scheme better than anyone because I was involved when it was being designed.

One thing I will say is that if a scheme is expanded to the level that GLAS has been expanded in order to encompass so many people and if one considers the options and tries to ensure that everybody is compliant, it will inevitably lead to some complications. I reassure the Deputy that nobody is sitting on their hands

I welcome the opportunity to outline the current position regarding the 2016 payments under GLAS and the previous model, the agri-environment options scheme, AEOS. These agri-environment schemes deliver important environmental benefits by supporting farmers to undertake actions that will enhance Ireland's agriculture sustainability credentials into the future. A maximum annual payment of €5,000 is available GLAS, with provision for payment of up to €7,000 - known as GLAS+ - where, in a limited number of cases, farmers are required to give exceptional environmental commitments. Applications under the first two tranches of GLAS resulted in almost 38,000 farmers being approved for the scheme in its first year of implementation. This represented an unprecedented level of interest in the first year of any agri-environment scheme. Just under 14,000 applications were received under GLAS 3, which closed in mid-December last. Approvals have now issued in respect of over 90% of these applications, with the remainder currently being examined by the Department with a view to issuing further approvals where appropriate. This will bring overall participation in GLAS to well over the targeted participation level of 50,000 farmers.

In respect of 2016, just over 8,600 participants in AEOS were due payments. AEOS lI participants completed their five-year contracts on 31 December 2016. Under the EU regulations governing this scheme and all other area-based payment schemes, a full check, including cross-checks with the land parcel identification system, must take place before final payment can issue. As all AEOS Il participants will be receiving their final payments under the scheme, rechecks on payments made for all scheme years must be completed before final payment can be processed. This is the same procedure as applied to AEOS I participants finishing in that scheme.

To date, AEOS payments for 2016 amounting to over €21 million have issued. The remaining 2,000 cases are currently being checked and payments will continue to issue on an ongoing weekly basis as these cases are cleared. The 2016 payments represent the first full year of payment under GLAS. At the end of December 2016, there were approximately 37,500 active participants in GLAS, of whom 27,400 received payments valued at over €97 million. This represented 85% of their 2016 payments. Payment can only issue where all the required validation checks have been successfully passed. As issues with outstanding GLAS cases are resolved, they are being paid in weekly payment runs. Further payments are issuing on a weekly basis, with payments valued at over €110 million now issued and over 84% of participants now paid. There are approximately 5,900 cases awaiting payment. Further payments are issuing on a weekly basis.

GLAS has a range of over 30 actions available for selection by participants and each of them must be verified under EU regulations. As a result, there are different reasons why payment may not have issued. Given their complexity, many of these issues require review on a case-by-case basis. In cases where it has been identified that additional information is required from the farmer, this information is being requested. The Minister and the Department are well aware of the need to process all 2016 payments without delay and are ensuring that all resources required on both the IT and administrative side are directed towards resolving the outstanding queries on these cases.


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