Dáil debates
Friday, 16 December 2016
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Paramilitary Groups
10:20 am
Frances Fitzgerald (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I support what Deputy O'Callaghan has said on the importance of maintaining the peace, as well as the importance of the Good Friday Agreement and the Fresh Start agreement. I bring the House's attention to the report published recently by the joint agency task force established under the Fresh Start agreement on its North-South work. The report is available on the web. The PSNI and An Garda Síochána focused on several areas such as rural crime, child sexual exploitation, financial crime, illicit trade, excise fraud and human trafficking. Concentrated work has been done, North and South, in tackling the gangs involved in this. The relationships between paramilitary and criminal activity are intertwined. There have been some successful operations. It is important to note there is a joint agency task force strategic oversight group, which is continuing to identify how best it can target and deal with the issues the Deputy has raised.
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