Dáil debates

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

2:05 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

It is always a very difficult situation when a child is assessed as being on a particular point on the autistic spectrum and it creates a great challenge for the child, the parents and a school. In some cases, however, things work out very well. The NCSE is carrying out a review of facilities for autistic children nationally, with particular emphasis on Cork. The number of classes for autistic children has increased from 500 to 1,000 in the past five years. This is an increase of 100% and it is continuing. It is a decision for each school as to whether it wishes to have an ASD class. The decision is not for the Department to make. There is full engagement because this service is critical in the lives of the children concerned, as well as fundamental to the lives of their parents and children in general. The Minister for Education and Skills and his Department will continue to expand the number of ASD classes because they are a fundamental part of allowing every child the best opportunity to make his or her way forward. The increase in classes that I mentioned will continue and the strategy will make further progress in the time ahead.


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