Dáil debates

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Topical Issue Debate

Railway Stations

5:45 pm

Photo of Willie PenroseWillie Penrose (Longford-Westmeath, Labour) | Oireachtas source

The Minister said the operation of a single platform would create an undesirable operational risk. However, in his letter of 30 October 2014, Mr. David Franks said he was satisfied that current operating rules and procedures could sufficiently address it. I was waiting for the answer the Minister got. I have been around long enough to know how officials and bureaucrats work. That puts an end to that. It is already there. The trains are already stopping 5 m or 10 m up the line. They should just pull in and let people get on. It is unbelievable. I will invite the Minister to come and see. He will have to come. Given his business background, he will say we have to get the show on the road. It would help relieve the choking traffic on the N4 and M50 as people try to get to their places of employment. There are several very good businesses in the vicinity of Killucan station and they appreciate the value of having it reopened. They would be prepared to help out in the provision of park and ride infrastructure facilities by way of contribution of essential materials, and they would not be found wanting in making it a reality. We should examine all these prospects.

All that is required is to be positive. Providing a park and ride facility will cost €1 million, however there is already parking for 120 cars. We are allowing for it to have 300 spaces. The catchment area is huge, stretching from Delvin and Raharney to Milltownpass, Rochfortbridge, Kinnegad, Killucan, The Downs, east Mullingar and all the areas in between. Killucan is at the epicentre of it. Let everybody here make it a reality for 2017 with good will and a small capital investment. This will not be a white elephant but a real, active station with the people just stepping on. When another train is coming, this train has to pull in to allow the train to pass, and it happens within metres of the closed station. You could not make it up. Some bureaucrat, as is their wont, wants to make a laugh of everything. On any cost benefit analysis, this would stand up to the most detailed scrutiny. I appeal to the Minister to use his common sense and ensure it becomes a reality. The people of the area deserve no less.


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