Dáil debates
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Local Authority Staff Recruitment
5:25 pm
Tommy Broughan (Dublin Bay North, Independent) | Oireachtas source
At the outset, I do not agree with Deputy Wallace in respect of timber-frame accommodation. Certainly, apartments which were built with timber frame have caused problems. It is something that has to be kept under strict review.
On the question, I mentioned to the Minister's colleague, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Deputy Zappone, that 2,500 of our children will be in emergency homeless accommodation on Christmas Day. That is happening on the Minister, Deputy Coveney's, watch. The numbers of homeless families are growing. We have 45,000 citizens on housing lists in the Dublin local authorities. As a key element of this, the Minister told a colleague recently that he had sanctioned 500 additional posts in construction and planning roles in the major local authorities and I wondered whether he is prepared to take any further action on that.
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