Dáil debates
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Other Questions
National Spatial Strategy
3:20 pm
Eamon Ryan (Dublin Bay South, Green Party) | Oireachtas source
I encourage the Minister to include in her contribution on the national planning framework a look at land use strategy. In that regard, the potential exists to meet the objectives the Minister set in terms of employment and sustainable communities, to look at radical proposals taking both Coillte lands and Bord na Móna lands at scale and managing them in a different way, separating the parks and wildlife functions within her Department so that we massively extend the definition of parks and how we use land in that way. It is a different role to the wildlife regulatory function. By taking such radical steps in terms of how we use land, we can develop tourism, food, energy and other industries in rural Ireland. We need that sort of radical land use change as part of this planning framework.
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