Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Other Questions

Zero-hour Contracts

3:55 pm

Photo of Pat BreenPat Breen (Clare, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I thank Deputy Browne for his question. Deputy Coppinger has a similar question but she is not here. I propose to take Questions Nos. 46 and 47 together in any event.

I am committed to considering the appropriate policy response to the report of the University of Limerick of their study of zero-hour contracts and low-hour contracts. As Deputies will be aware, the University of Limerick was appointed in February 2015 to study the prevalence of zero-hour contracts and low-hour contracts and their impact on employees. The study, published in November 2015, found that zero-hour contracts, as defined within current Irish employment rights legislation, are not exclusively or extensively used in Ireland. It found low working hours can arise in different forms in employment contracts. There are regular part-time contracts with fixed hours, contracts with if-and-when hours only and hybrids of the two. If-and-when contracts are contracts where workers are not contractually required to make themselves available for work.

The UL report made a range of recommendations relating to contracts, hours of work and notice, minimum hours, how contracted hours should be determined, collective agreements, data gathering and wider contextual issues. It is important to point out that the UL study was an independent study and that the conclusions drawn and the recommendations made in it are those of UL. Therefore, it was essential to seek the views of stakeholders. To this end, my Department sought submissions from interested parties by way of public consultation. A large number of submissions were received in response to the consultation. The responses contained a variety of views both for and against the findings and recommendations as made by UL. These responses require, and are currently being given, careful consideration by my Department. The study and the responses to it will be considered by Government with a view to agreeing the actions that should be taken.


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