Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Other Questions

Job Creation Targets

3:45 pm

Photo of Mary Mitchell O'ConnorMary Mitchell O'Connor (Dún Laoghaire, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

A Programme for a Partnership Government sets a target of creating an additional 200,000 jobs by 2020, of which 135,000 jobs are to be created outside Dublin. I am convinced that we can achieve these targets.

Since 2012, the unemployment rate reduced from 15.1% to 7.8% in May this year. We have 155,000 extra people at work since 2012 and employment is growing in every region. My focus is on ensuring we support new job creation in every region. The regional action plans for jobs are the mechanisms for delivery. Their objective is to increase employment by 10% to 15% in each region. Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland and the local enterprise offices are delivering on their elements of the action plans which are being driven by local implementation committees.

My Department is providing funding of up to €250 million to support the regional plans. A €150 million regional property programme is being delivered by IDA Ireland. On 1 June I announced an allocation of €5 million in competitive funding for 48 local and regional initiatives through Enterprise Ireland. Further competitive funding calls will be launched shortly to ensure we achieve the jobs targets.


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