Dáil debates

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Priority Questions

Export Controls

3:15 pm

Photo of Mary Mitchell O'ConnorMary Mitchell O'Connor (Dún Laoghaire, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Deputy has mentioned the export of sophisticated technology. I remind her that the Department may refuse an export licence and has done so on many occasions. We denied four licences in 2011, one licence in 2012, four licences in 2013, eight licences in 2014, five licences in 2015 and one licence to date in 2016. We have very rigorous checks. I will make sure they are maintained. If non-compliance is proven, my Department has the power under legislation to take proceedings against exporters. Fines of up to €10 million, or terms of imprisonment of up to five years, can be imposed on exporters who are found guilty.


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