Dáil debates

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

11:40 am

Photo of Micheál MartinMicheál Martin (Cork South Central, Fianna Fail) | Oireachtas source

No. I have a significant issue with that. I am been informed by both our Whip and party that there has been absolutely no consultation with anybody regarding the restoration of the Bills. That has been dictated by the Government side alone in terms of what Bills are to be restored. Given the spirit of the new Dáil and what we are meant to be about, there should be consultation with all of the House as to what is to be prioritised. The Labour Party has significant issues with the Admission to Schools Bill. It has been unilaterally decided not to restore it. That is fair enough if the Minister has his position on that but there should have been consultation on what Bills should be brought back and what ones should not be. A business committee is about to be formed under Dáil reform. I would have thought it should have been brought together and that together the Members of the House would determine the priority as to what Bills should be restored and hear arguments as to which ones certain people may not want to have restored.


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