Dáil debates

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Other Questions

Beef Industry

10:20 am

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

In case I am being misunderstood, live cattle exports are really important and calf exports are part of that story, too. Work has been ongoing at an industry level to ensure we have the connections and the routes to markets that we need through France to access the market for calves. That work is active and will continue to be so. However, our strategic thinking as a country, where possible, should be concerned with growing animals in Ireland. That is where the jobs are and the value is added. In that way we will build a bigger industry. We must always maintain a certain amount of live exports to keep the home market honest, if one likes, in terms of what the factories pay for animals. We will pursue both aspects. We will facilitate live exports, but we will also try to put the case together to ensure farmers can also make money in growing, finishing and slaughtering animals in Ireland in order that we build the biggest business we can.


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