Dáil debates

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Other Questions

Dairy Sector

3:20 pm

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Meath has approximately 520 dairy farms, many of which will be planning for expansion and growth. All of these will want to do so on the back of a good business plan, working with their advisory service to ensure it is done in a way that is sustainable, profitable and well managed. Teagasc faces multiple challenges, including helping people to put GLAS applications together. It has a strong research focus with places such as Moorepark. It also faces a very strong educational challenge, and we have looked for more staff for it because our agricultural colleges are more in demand than they have ever been. The advisory service is a crucial link between all Teagasc does and on-farm activity. This is why I agree with the Deputy that the ambitions of the farmers in Meath in terms of improving their farm practices mean we need to have an advisory service which is fit for purpose. This is why I have spoken to Teagasc about it, and I understand there will be some movement on it soon.


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