Dáil debates

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Other Questions

Bord na gCon Administration

10:20 am

Photo of Tom HayesTom Hayes (Tipperary South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

That is what is being said and that is the perception. I attend many tracks up and down the country and several functions and I hear this all this all the time. I want to be quite clear, the Indecon report which we published has several recommendations on regulation. We will implement them. There is no room in this industry for anybody who is breaking the law. We are quite clear on that and we will move as fast as we possibly can. I want to assure the Deputy and everybody in the industry that no stone will remain unturned on this issue. We will do everything possible and if anybody is involved in drugs they will be dealt with as they have no place in the industry. We want a clean sport. This industry is subsidised by taxpayers in a major way. As the Minister responsible I sent out a clear signal that we want this area regulated 100%.


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