Dáil debates
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
Order of Business
6:15 pm
Ruth Coppinger (Dublin West, Socialist Party) | Oireachtas source
We disagree with the proposal because 45 minutes is a derisory amount of time to give to such an issue. That is a minute for every year of abuse that took place. This issue is causing huge anger around the country. Major issues are at stake and major questions must be asked, including why this happened. Why did a weak, poverty-ridden capitalist State lean on the Catholic Church for legitimacy and support and tie the morality of the Church into the foundations of this State with the result that women and children born outside wedlock were given such appalling treatment? The State is made up of the political parties that are represented in this Chamber today. The State is largely culpable in this. We need a major debate, with all Deputies given the right to participate. Only ten minutes have been allocated to the Technical Group. Notwithstanding the Private Members' debate later, we believe that more Government time must be given to this debate. The time allowed is derisory for such an issue.
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