Dáil debates
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Other Questions
Overseas Missions
4:15 pm
Alan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
Of course, helping individuals in states where there are difficulties or states to avoid conflict does not always require the engagement of military personnel. Often, military personnel are engaged after the conflict has commenced. There is a great deal of work that is done by civilians, by international organisations, by Ministers in governments across the world and by members of governments across the world to try to reduce tension levels and to provide prescriptions for conflict resolution, as we well know on this island in the context of the assistance that we have got from elsewhere, particularly the United States, in bringing about a conflict resolution.
Conflict resolution has a role to play in troubled parts of the world. It is not always appropriate to the Defence Forces to engage in that role. On occasions when the Defence Forces go to a troubled part of the world, unfortunately the conflict has broken out, but there are circumstances in which that skill can be of benefit and of use. I do not think the Deputy and I are in any great disagreement about the matter.
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