Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Other Questions

Defence Forces Training

4:05 pm

Photo of Alan ShatterAlan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

Training and education of personnel at all levels are vital activities in any defence force as they enable personnel to achieve their required standard of operational effectiveness.

The Defence Forces conduct training and education under three broad categories, namely, skills training, career training and education and collective training. Skills training is the medium through which the Defence Forces ensures that its personnel have the requisite individual, specialist and crew skills to permit the development of organisational capabilities. Career training provides the organisation with the necessary pool of leaders and commanders at all levels from section commander to brigade commander. Collective training allows military personnel to use their individual, crew, specialist and career training together. This moulds sub-units, units and formations into integrated and coherent combat forces. It provides the Defence Forces with the capabilities required to fulfil their roles and missions at home and overseas.

External education at university and institute level at home and abroad fulfils Defence Forces requirements by providing education and expertise that cannot be delivered within the organisation. It ensures that Defence Forces personnel attain the required level of academic and professional qualification. The Defence Forces have a budget of approximately €2 million for training in 2014 and it is anticipated that all members of the Defence Forces will attend at least one training course this year.

Training standards in the Defence Forces are constantly benchmarked against best international practice. Participation in ongoing overseas operations also necessitates multilateral training and assessment. This facilitates the ongoing review of Defence Forces re-skilling and training methods and standards within an international military context.

I am advised that Defence Forces personnel continue to have modern and effective equipment and technology for their training and important day-to-day roles.


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