Dáil debates
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Defence Forces Funding
3:55 pm
Alan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I dealt only with a small number of issues when replying to the Deputy's original question. The largest investment my Department is making at present is in the two new naval vessels that are to be commissioned. As the Deputy may be aware, one of those vessels, LE Samuel Beckett, was delivered to Haulbowline on Wednesday last. I visited the facility there on Friday and was shown around the vessel. A capital investment of €54 million has been made to provide what will be the best ship, with the most modern technology, that the Naval Service has ever had. The second vessel, LE James Joyce, is currently under construction and is due to be delivered next year. The cost of this vessel will also be in the region of €54 million. Despite the financial difficulties with which the State has been obliged to contend, my Cabinet colleagues and I were able to make available the funding required in respect of the construction of the vessels to which I refer. The first ship will be officially commissioned in the next ten days to two weeks and the second will be commissioned next year.
I accept that the point I am about to make will facilitate the Deputy in tabling a parliamentary question on another day but one of the issues which arises in respect of this matter is the age of the naval fleet. There is a need to ensure we will be in a position to identify the funding necessary for any further new ships that may be required in order to replace those in our aging fleet. We have already made very substantial inroads in this regard despite the financial difficulties under which the State has been obliged to labour and the constraints within which the Government has been obliged to operate.
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