Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Military Aircraft Landings

3:45 pm

Photo of Clare DalyClare Daly (Dublin North, Socialist Party) | Oireachtas source

The Minister does not seem to recognise the seriousness of this issue. The aircraft in question was a US navy cargo transport airplane operated by the VR-62 fleet logistics unit. This is not any ordinary aircraft; it is fitted with special fuel tanks and was previously associated with special ventures such as the one which took out Osama bin Laden. It also was used as part of a joint Australia-US military exercise in 2013. Yet the Minister continues to state that such aircraft are not engaged in military activity when they land in Shannon. If they are not carrying arms, ammunition or soldiers on their way to or from military operations or exercises, what are they doing at the airport? Why would the US Government spend money on very expensive flights across the Atlantic several times a month if there is no associated military purpose? Can the Minister shed any light on the situation? The reality, of course, is that there is no explanation other than that they are landing as part of military activity.


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