Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Protected Disclosures in the Public Interest

3:45 pm

Photo of Alan ShatterAlan Shatter (Dublin South, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

There the Deputy goes again. The individual to whom he refers was appointed following the holding of a competition which I had no hand or part in influencing. He was recommended following the outcome of that competition and so appointed. That is the end of it. As I said, the individual in question was formerly a military tribunal judge, yet the Deputy is suggesting that he is not an appropriate person. Of course, what the Deputy is doing in this area is what he does in other areas. He is seeking to pretend he is the friend of the ordinary rank and file of the Defence Forces while pillorying anybody who is in a position of leadership therein. The narrative in which he and his colleagues are constantly engaged is an interesting one, but it genuinely does not fool too many people. In the context of some of the history with which his party is associated, it will get little traction within the Defence Forces.


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