Dáil debates

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Termination of Ministerial Appointment: Announcement by Taoiseach


5:25 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

With your permission, a Cheann Comhairle, I would like to make a short statement to the House.

I wish to announce, for the information of the House, that I am advising the President to accept the resignation of Deputy Alan Shatter as a member of the Government. I have accepted the Minister's resignation with regret. I would like to thank him for his service to the Government and to the country.

He has been rightly recognised as an exceptionally hardworking, radical and reforming Minister. He has left a positive legacy for all the people of this country in a wide range of areas for which he has had ministerial responsibility. His work on family law, children's issues, those who died in the care of the State, institutional abuse, the Magdalen women and penal reform will undoubtedly stand the test of time.

The Minister's decision to resign follows receipt of the report of Mr. Seán Guerin SC on a review of action taken by An Garda Síochána pertaining to certain allegations made by Sergeant Maurice McCabe. I received Mr. Guerin's report last evening and the Minister and I have considered its contents during today. Mr. Guerin has raised some legal issues that need to be addressed in advance of the publication of the report. These are currently being considered by the Attorney General. However, I can advise the House that the report is critical of the inadequacy of the actions taken by a number of agencies - notably An Garda Síochána, but also including the Department of Justice and Equality, and the Minister for Justice and Equality - in responding to the allegations made by Sergeant McCabe. In that context, the Minister has accepted responsibility and has taken the course of tendering his resignation.

It is my intention that the Guerin report will be published on Friday morning. The reason for the delay is that the letter accompanying the report from the senior counsel recommended that certain matters be attended to in terms of privacy, sub judiceand so on.

The Government will consider its response next week and there will be an opportunity for it to be debated in the House. I intend to make an announcement on the replacement of Deputy Shatter as a member of the Government later this evening or tomorrow morning.


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