Dáil debates

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Topical Issue Debate

School Accommodation

1:10 pm

Photo of Derek KeatingDerek Keating (Dublin Mid West, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I accept that. During my 15 years as an elected public representative in Lucan, St. Thomas' national school, St. Thomas' junior national school and Scoil Áine Naofa have been promised new buildings to meet demands and address the unacceptable and chronic state of the prefabricated classrooms that currently exist.

The Minister for Education and Skills, Deputy Quinn, knows about this situation, as I have discussed it with him formally and informally.

These two schools have been promised new buildings a number of times, interestingly, just prior to general elections. Once Fianna Fáil was elected, however, their files went to the bottom of the list. The current circumstances cannot continue. The health of children is being put at risk. Parents, teachers and community leaders are joining with me in demanding that at least a remedial response be put in place to address this crisis and to deliver what is required, that being, two new schools for an educational institution that serves and is the most sought after in a community that is among the fastest growing in the country and with the youngest population.

A further major issue that has caused considerable hurt and confusion is the Minister's reported comments last weekend on less teaching of religion in school. These two schools have strong church names. In Lucan, there is a belief that a secular policy has been adopted. Both schools are, for all intents and purposes, multidenominational and multicultural, a fact they celebrate at every opportunity.

The problem is that these buildings are old. The temporary buildings need to be replaced. There is a crisis. I have formally asked the Minister to meet a delegation. I would be happy to organise that meeting. In light of the serious question arising about the criteria being used and given our limited resources and the Department's positive response in seeking to address the many educational and school building needs that remain outstanding due to the legacy that we have inherited, I cannot understand why these schools have not had their needs addressed. With respect, other schools do not have the same obvious needs, including damp, unsatisfactory and unhealthy prefabricated buildings.


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