Dáil debates

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Bill 2013: Second Stage


11:50 am

Photo of Finian McGrathFinian McGrath (Dublin North Central, Independent) | Oireachtas source

I welcome the opportunity to contribute to the debate on this important issue. Job creation and economic development are important tools in our efforts to deal with the economic difficulties facing people in this country. I have been concerned in recent days, however, that an element of complacency has slipped into the discussion. I remind the Government that the numbers of people unemployed in this State remain high, including a particularly high rate of youth unemployment and a massive emigration problem. Complacency must never be an option. Instead, we should focus on assisting SMEs. The sector is facing huge costs which prevent it from employing more people. Commercial rates, in particular, are causing huge problems for the sector.

I will deal with these issues in more detail when the debate resumes.


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