Dáil debates

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Industrial Development (Forfás Dissolution) Bill 2013: Second Stage


11:40 am

Photo of Seán SherlockSeán Sherlock (Cork East, Labour) | Oireachtas source

I thank the House for its indulgence. This is a rather technical Bill but I am nearly there.

Section 37 substitutes a new section 6 into the Industrial Development Act 1995, providing for IDA and Enterprise Ireland to invest or make loans in accordance with schemes drawn up by the agencies and approved by the Minister and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform. This function was previously vested in Forfás and assigned to the agencies. Section 38 provides that schemes which were in force prior to the coming into force of the amendment inserted by section 37 will continue in force as if the scheme had been made under the provision of the new section, that is, section 6 of the Industrial Development Act 1995, as amended.

Section 39 amends section 7 of the Metrology Act 1996 to provide that the director of legal metrology shall be a staff member of the National Standards Authority of Ireland. At present, this section states that the director of legal metrology shall be a member of the staff of Forfás.

Section 40(a) amends section 7(k) of the Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 1998 which relates to the functions of Enterprise Ireland and provides for the Minister to assign other functions to the agency from time to time. Section 40(b) substitutes a new section 42 into the 1998 Act, allowing Enterprise Ireland and IDA to prosecute summary offences relating to disclosure of information.

Section 41(a) amends section 7(1) of the Industrial Development (Science Foundation Ireland) Act 2003 relating to the functions of Science Foundation Ireland and provides for the Minister to assign other functions to the agency from time to time. Section 41(b) amends section 17 of the 2003 Act providing for Science Foundation Ireland to bring and prosecute proceedings relating to disclosures. Section 41(c) amends section 25 of the 2003 Act by the substitution of section 25(2), providing for committees established by the SFI to supply SFI with information for the purposes of its functions.

I emphasise that the overarching objective of the Bill is to strengthen our capacity to develop and implement enterprise policy. The integration of Forfás into the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation will deliver greater outcomes in terms of improving the operating environment for enterprise and contributing to economic growth and job creation. It will ensure that the distinct strengths and experience of the Department's staff and those of Forfás are maximised to place the Department at the centre of driving economic recovery.


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