Dáil debates
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Aquaculture Licences Applications
10:10 am
Simon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source
I accept the Deputy has raised genuine concerns, which I share and which is why we must be rigorous in our assessment of proposals of this nature. It is important to put Scotland in context. Scotland may not have farms that produce more than 2,000 tonnes but it produces 140,000 tonnes of salmon per year. Ireland produces 12,000 tonnes. It may be in Scotland's commercial interest not to have significant development in Ireland. Its industry is growing rapidly, with approximately 40 cages put into the water this year. When one adds up all the farms, many of which are located close to each other, there is a significant industry. We have a relatively small industry and we are looking for the most sustainable ways to develop it. Perhaps this licence is not the way to go but we will have to await the assessment. I am sure we will have many more debates on the issue when I get an opportunity to make an informed decision on the licence. We have an obligation to keep an open mind both to the criticisms and to those promoting the project. I certainly have an open mind and will make an informed choice when I see the science behind it.
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