Dáil debates

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

Aquaculture Licences Applications

10:00 am

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I am fully aware of what is proposed in the project in question. The proposal relates to a new type of salmon farming which would involve moving salmon cages further offshore into much deeper water. Based on this approach, it is proposed to allow larger-scale salmon farming to take place. The idea behind this type of salmon farming is to move projects out of special areas of conservation and Natura areas into open waters, albeit within reason as some degree of shelter is required. That is the policy thinking behind the proposal from the applicant's point of view.

My job is to assess whether the proposal holds up from a scientific, environmental and commercial point of view. I must also consider weather factors such as exposure to the elements on the west coast. I rely heavily on the scientists in my Department and the Marine Institute, with which my Department is linked, who are working hard on this issue. The process is taking time because they have not dealt with such an application previously. I am confident that when I receive a file and recommendation, the Department will be able to make a balanced judgment on whether the proposal is appropriate or needs to be downsized or rejected.

While the proposed salmon farm is larger than projects elsewhere in Europe, we have some large projects off the west coast. The salmon farm off Clare Island, for instance, is of a significant scale. I accept, however, that this proposal is bigger, bolder and more ambitious than anything we have seen previously. As the person with the legal responsibility to make a balanced judgment on whether to grant the licence, my job will be to approve or amend the licence and I will do so when I have received sufficient information to make an informed judgment. If people are not satisfied with my judgment, an independent appeals board will subsequently assess the matter.


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