Dáil debates

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Other Questions

Agriculture Schemes Data

10:30 am

Photo of Simon CoveneySimon Coveney (Cork South Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

One of the challenges faced by those involved with the mapping system is that they have to rely on an image from space. The move from getting images from high-flying aircraft to getting images from satellites has allowed us to be much more precise. The imagery now available to us allows us to see the animals in the fields. I understand some challenges are encountered when photographs are taken from above. There can be some uncertainty regarding contours, etc. That is why some of the imagery has to be backed up with physical inspections. I encourage farmers who feel the new mapping system has in some way treated them unfairly, in terms of land eligibility or anything else, to submit appeals. If there are any question marks in that regard, we will send inspectors out to make judgment calls. There may be genuine problems in cases of lands with significant contours etc. We are aware of this issue. We are open to checking satellite imagery. Images that are crystal clear might not take account of significant contours in mountainous areas. I am sure Deputy Kyne is familiar with cases that may require individual inspections at farm level.


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