Dáil debates

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

12:30 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

It is only appropriate the Ceann Comhairle should make a little time available for comments on Tom McGrath. I arrived here very shortly before he did and I recall the young usher about whom the Ceann Comhairle spoke so fondly. Over the 37 years he has been here he has witnessed political changes and political history at first hand. As the Ceann Comhairle stated, he has served eight Taoisigh and seen the House rise for ten general elections and many by-elections. He has witnessed political careers rise and soar and go into oblivion. He was present for some of the most heated, vigorous and sensitive debates in the House. As the Ceann Comhairle pointed out, he has greeted Presidents, prime ministers, royalty and dignitaries from throughout the world. He greeted many Members of the Houses on their first day in the premises. He did all of this with unfailing courtesy, professionalism and dedication to the highest standards of the Houses of the Oireachtas. We who are in these seats in the House carry out our duties only with the incredible support Tom and all those who work with him provide for the Members of the House. It is support I have deeply valued and appreciated over my many years in this place and I know my colleagues on all sides share this view.

We are lucky to have a Parliament which is so accessible to visitors from home and abroad who come here to see how we work. We hope they might leave with a favourable impression of the structure of the Houses. Whatever about the performances of the Members, who are only the temporary staff, visitors leave impressed by the presentation of Leinster House and with a greater sense of Leinster House's history and a deeper understanding of the Dáil and Seanad. That is to the credit of the wonderful team Tom has led, and it is something of which he can be immensely proud. He has given the State and the House a career of dedicated service, and on behalf of the Government I wish him every success and happiness in the time ahead.

Tom McGrath is a man with deep Tipperary roots and I hope the time following his retirement gives him an opportunity to devote some time to the things he cherishes. I have no doubt iománaíocht in Tiobraid Árann is among the loves of his life. I thank Tom for his friendship, kindness and support and for his public presentation of the highest standards of service and integrity in Dáil Éireann.


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