Dáil debates

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

IDA Site Visits

4:50 pm

Photo of Richard BrutonRichard Bruton (Dublin North Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Deputy speaks for many other Deputies who want to see a broader spread of IDA projects. I am mindful of the need to try to address those as best we can. There is considerable pressure on the IDA to do so. An in-depth analysis of our FDI strategy is being undertaken. One of its dimensions will be a consideration of how to achieve a better regional spread.

Often, we compete for projects globally. It is not a question of Longford competing with Leitrim or Dublin. Rather, it is a question of whether Ireland can get a project instead of Singapore, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or wherever. That is the context.

This discussion of regional strategy needs to focus more on the competitive advantages of regions and not just in terms of FDI. In some regions, FDI only plays a small role. Many regional strengths are not in that sector. We need a regional strategy that accounts for entrepreneurship, the base of Enterprise Ireland companies and their capacity to become exporting companies. I am anxious to examine this type of broad-based, regional enterprise strategy. I am starting initiatives in this regard to determine whether we can frame such a strategy on a broader base. This is not to say that FDI is not important in all regions.


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