Dáil debates

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Topical Issue Debate

Lourdes Hospital Redress Scheme Extension

2:25 pm

Photo of James ReillyJames Reilly (Dublin North, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Lourdes Hospital redress scheme was established following the findings and recommendations contained in the report on peripartum hysterectomy at the hospital, The Lourdes Hospital Inquiry, published in 2006. The inquiry was conducted by Ms Justice Maureen Harding Clark.The inquiry did not extend to a wider examination of Dr. Michael Neary's general practice or of the clinical practice of his colleagues. During the inquiry, however, Ms Justice Harding Clark became aware that there were patients who had undergone a bilateral oophorectomy - the removal of both ovaries or a remaining single functioning ovary at the time of obstetric hysterectomy or as a gynaecological procedure - which was not clinically necessary. These women lost the ability to reproduce and suffered immediate surgical menopause.

The scheme of redress approved by the Government was a non-statutory ex gratia scheme. Awards were determined by an independent redress board in 2007 and 2008. It was chaired by Ms Justice Harding Clark.The objective of the scheme was to provide compensation to former patients of Dr. Neary who received unnecessary obstetric hysterectomies, namely, hysterectomies carried out in association with pregnancy, and also to women under 40 years of age who received unnecessary bilateral oophorectomy.

The Department of Health has been engaged in a review to consider various mechanisms to compensate those women who were excluded from the redress scheme on age grounds alone. This review involves taking instruction and legal advice, including advice from the Office of the Attorney General, with a view to bringing proposals on a scheme to the Government for a decision. It is my intention to bring these proposals on this important and sensitive issue to the Government before the summer recess.


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