Dáil debates
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Other Questions
Human Rights Issues
2:45 pm
Eamon Gilmore (Dún Laoghaire, Labour) | Oireachtas source
I have taken an interest in this case since Deputy Martin Ferris raised it directly with me some time ago and expressed his concern about conditions in Lukiškės Prison. As the Deputy is aware, the man concerned was transferred from Lukiškės Prison to another prison. The information I have on Pravieniškės Prison is that it is located in a forested area approximately 30 km from the city of Kaunas. Prisoner accommodation is in dormitories and prisoners are not subject to lock-down overnight. Toilet facilities are separate from sleeping quarters and separate kitchen facilities are available for those who wish to prepare food in addition to or in lieu of the standard prison food. Prisoners have access to a garden, prison shop, prison gym, workshops and language classes. Unless subject to a disciplinary regime, prisoners may have one day visit of up to four hours every two to three months and an overnight visit of up to two days' duration in the same period. There is also the possibility of two pastoral visits per month by English-speaking priests.
The person concerned has received a number of consular visits from the embassy in Vilnius. There is an appeal hearing tomorrow. Deputy Ferris's main concern is that the person will be brought back to the original prison from which he was transferred. I understand that is just for the duration of the appeal hearing and the intention is that a diplomatic official from our embassy in Vilnius will attend the appeal hearing.
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