Dáil debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Other Questions

Human Rights Issues

2:45 pm

Photo of Eamon GilmoreEamon Gilmore (Dún Laoghaire, Labour) | Oireachtas source

I propose to take Questions Nos. 8 and 24 together. It is the intention of the consul at our embassy in Vilnius to attend on 27 June the appeal hearing of the person mentioned. The Embassy of Ireland in Lithuania and the consular assistance section in Dublin have provided consular assistance to the person in question since his initial detention in Lithuania and will continue to do so. The person mentioned by the Deputy was transferred in July 2012 from Lukiškės Prison in Vilnius to Pravieniškės Prison, near Kaunas. This is a lower category of prison, with a different prison regime to that in Lukiškės Prison.

With regard to the upcoming appeal on 27 June, I am advised that the usual procedure is that prisoners with appeal hearings in Vilnius are temporarily held in Lukiškės Prison. The length of time prisoners remain in Lukiškės depends on the date of the court hearing and prison transport arrangements between Kaunas and Vilnius. Our ambassador has repeatedly communicated our concerns about the conditions in Lukiškės Prison. The ambassador has asked that the period of the person's detention in Lukiškės for his appeal be kept to the absolute minimum.

I am aware that Lukiškės Prison has been the subject of reports by the Council of Europe’s European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, CPT. I also understand that the Lithuanian government is actively addressing the issue of upgrading its prison accommodation and is engaged in an extensive modernisation programme.


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