Dáil debates
Wednesday, 26 June 2013
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Prisoner Welfare
1:45 pm
Eamon Gilmore (Dún Laoghaire, Labour) | Oireachtas source
There are several aspects to this case. First, there is the strictly legal aspect and I am being careful not to stray into that. I am sure Deputy Crowe fully understands that. Second, there are the conditions under which he is being held. This has been raised by our embassy in London. Some issues relating to health matters were raised. The issues concerning visits have been raised. Since his arrest there was a consular visit on 29 May and another is scheduled for today. We have facilitated access by an elected official, Pat Doherty MP, to the prisoner and there was a request for expedited access for Deputy Pearse Doherty. The embassy in London has made representations to the prison authorities regarding his health and his medical needs including mitigating the conditions under which he is being held. It is clear that this arrest has a significant impact on others in similar circumstances and their wider circles. Both Governments have long ago agreed on the need to find a way of sensitively addressing those who had been involved in paramilitary activity. I have discussed this with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on two occasions and I hope to meet her again about it in the near future. Our officials continue to have regular discussions on these issues.
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