Dáil debates

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Topical Issue Debate

Rural Development Programme Funding

2:25 pm

Photo of Phil HoganPhil Hogan (Carlow-Kilkenny, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

The Acting Chairman, Deputy Ann Phelan, will agree that Deputy Coffey needs all the money that is to be spent in Carlow-Kilkenny and elsewhere, so carried away did he get with all the projects he had in Waterford. I clarify for Deputy Coffey that we have €90 million available to spend, of which €42 million will be released immediately for projects that have been in the system for some time.

I am anxious that we will know in the next two weeks whether the projects are ready to go. If not, we will reallocate money to other locations in the same constituencies or counties for the purpose of delivering the programme. I do not want a situation, as happened in the past three years, where there is an underspend in the Leader groups around the country. I had to carry over money in the past three years in order to ensure we maintained the moneys in the total programme. Instead of concentrating on alignment between community and local government, local action groups should get their act together and spend the money within the year allocated, get the project submitted and get it approved. The project should be properly evaluated and I call on the local action groups to get on with the work they are contracted to do between now and the end of the programme period. I am glad to provide clarity on these issues. We have an opportunity to develop job opportunities and rural development opportunities in each of the local action group areas.


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