Dáil debates

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Other Questions

Jobseeker's Allowance Eligibility

2:15 pm

Photo of Alan FarrellAlan Farrell (Dublin North, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I acknowledge the sizeable part of the Department's budget allocated to this scheme. However, given that the limits have not been changed since 2007, although the manner in which the allowance is allocated has changed, I encourage the Minister to review the scheme on the basis of the number of changes made to the taxation system since 2007. For example, for a family with two children with a single income of €541 a week, the additional universal social charge introduced by the previous Administration amounts to an extra €140 per month. Notwithstanding the exemption by the Government of 320,000 people from payment of the USC, it would still represent a considerable drop in the income of that family. I refer to the number of indirect taxes introduced, with more to come as a result of the economic legacy inherited by this Administration. I ask the Minister to review the income thresholds on the basis of the number of people affected. This issue is not unique to my constituency. A number of the Minister's constituents are contacting my office once a week. I refer to the particular case of a single income family in which the person concerned does not qualify for additional jobseeker supports and the family is literally destitute.

On a further issue, I refer to the educational supports to which individuals are entitled. However, if a person is not in receipt of jobseeker's allowance, he or she may not qualify for State educational supports.


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