Dáil debates
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions
Job Initiatives
1:45 pm
Joan Burton (Dublin West, Labour) | Oireachtas source
If the Deputy wants to advise me of any other circumstances, I will be happy to hear from him. Many economists are quite critical of jobs clubs, community employment schemes and other efforts to help people back to work and to provide services in communities. In fact, most of the reports on jobs clubs are very positive. The Department has an annual review process. It was decided not to renew the annual payment of €115,000 in respect of the Bawnogue service, unfortunately, following an objective review of the service that was carried out on the basis of certain criteria. As I mentioned, I have increased the overall budget for jobs clubs this year. They are very helpful for people in areas like CV preparation. As the Deputy knows, if one has been working for 15 years, one will not have drawn up a CV for 15 years. Jobs clubs allow people to meet other people who may unfortunately have become unemployed, to get to know people who are going back to work and to make contacts. All of that jobs club activity has certainly been very positive. I will revert to the Deputy on this individual case.
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